The National Association of Talent Representatives (NATR) is a not-for-profit trade organization serving the various needs of licensed talent agencies in the New York metropolitan area, both as individual businesses and as members of the New York agent community. For over 40 years, we have represented the needs of all of our members, regardless of area of expertise or agency size. Our members comprise the vast majority of talent and literary agencies in New York City.
NATR member agencies have been a force of stability in the entertainment industry. As a trade organization, NATR works to foster a spirit of cooperation and unity among our members, and to strengthen the agent community as a whole.
NATR provides guidance and advice to all our members, including assistance with dispute resolution, commission grievances, and contract interpretation. We strive to keep our members informed of changes in union regulations and state and city laws that affect their businesses, and to provide a forum for our members to discuss and deal with professional issues related to the unions.
NATR members are licensed and regulated by state and local agencies and maintain agreements with performance and artist unions to the benefit of NATR member agencies and their clients. NATR members have been called upon by unions in an advisory capacity prior to their own negotiations with producers. As well, Board members maintain an ongoing dialogue with the guilds about issues affecting the agent community and the clients they represent.
Michael Raymen
Diane Riley
HCKR Agency
Jeanne Nicolosi
Nicolosi & Co.
Matt Redmond
Renee Glicker
About Artists Agency
Danny Prather
Hudson Artists Agency
Katie Murphy
Pantera Murphy
Neal Altman
Honey Raider
Talent Reps
Katie Gigout
Ann Steele Agency
The Carson Kolker Organization LTD.
Cornerstone Talent
Gotham Talent Agency, LLC
HCKR Agency
Ingber & Associates
Lally Talent Agency, LLC.
Phoenix Artists, Inc.
Wolf Talent Agency
150 West 25 Street #1200
New York, NY 10001
[email protected]
©2023 National Association of Talent Representatives
Site by Roundhouse Designs